How Much Could You Save On Beauty Treatment?

Published on: Jul 01, 2021

Beauty treatment is an expensive luxury, isn’t it? Today we’re going to discover how much women spend on beauty, and how they can make smarter decisions about it. Grab a coffee to dive into care expenses.

How Much Do You Spend on Beauty Treatment?

Statistics say the average housewife spends 1.9% of her budget on beauty procedures. Some say it’s ok, others – it’s too much. The rule is – it should be necessary to fix how much you spend each month depending on how much money you earn. Not every woman is aware of spending a decent amount of cash on beauty care. For us, it’s interesting to learn what women spend to make themselves look good. We address a social platform Reddit where users submit posts on different topics.

Reddit is a powerful source of information in every field of human knowledge. “How much do you spend on beauty treatment?” is a very frequent question among women on Reddit. The reason they wonder is to find out how much they can save on beauty treatment rituals. As to the expenses, some say they spend $120 on nails a week, some $60-64 every month. Wax is $65 plus 20% a tip; Haircare, namely dying is $120 every 3 months,  about $200 every other month, $40/month on skincare and makeup. “I do get my hair dyed about every 3 months so that is $120/150 depending on if I get a cut or not”. “I haven’t gotten my hair cut since September of 2019 but typically get it cut every 6 months which is around $60-70 plus a 20% tip”. “Moisturiser £3 whenever it runs out. I use this in the mornings. Cleanser £3 as above. Current one has lasted me almost a year”. – Women leave similar comments on social networks.

Hey, there’s another side of the coin. Some women prefer to keep their hair long straight to avoid expenses on cutting off. They can cut themselves, paint nails, and wax themselves, not to dye their hair and leave it grey (price, toxicity, and damage to hair, etc.) “I don’t dye my hair anymore because I’m choosing to embrace my rapidly appearing grays in my early 30s”.

Tips To Save On Beauty Care

When people spend money on expensive health and beauty products they believe it contains the most luxurious and the most effective ingredients. In reality, beauty hair care and skincare can be affordable at a price. Here we will discuss possible tips to make beauty care last longer.

Here are some tips for you to consider:

  • Women tend to spend the most money on facials and skincare products at beauty salons and do facials at home between visits to the professional beauty salon to make the effects last longer.
  • You can substitute expensive fancy face cream with a dermatologist-recommended skincare product. You can find it at the drugstore.
  • Single-use face masks save you some cash after a long trip instead of going to the spa.
  • Mascara with fantastic formulas can affect your makeup
  • With makeup geek eyeshadow you will be able to make your perfect shade and look glorious.
  • Moisturized hands always look more well-maintained.
  • As for the nails, try to keep them short. You can easily break them if they are longer. Avoid overuse of hands, apply gloves while washing the dishes.
  • To keep your pedicure longer try to hydrate cuticles as much as you can. Use a foot mask.
  • To keep the shape of your brows it is necessary to tweeze them, avoid using wax.
  • For well-tended hair keep it hydrated, especially ends. When your hair starts to lose shape, you can trim it using the video instructions. You can also apply hair accessories.
  • If you dye hair it is preferable to choose a natural color. It will be more durable and not obvious that you need to refresh the color.

All these tips can help you. If it is difficult – you can find a personal beauty care professional at the SOSbooking marketplace. It will be definitely cheaper than going to a beauty care salon.

The Way Of Choosing Beauty Products

To find beauty products you can be satisfied with, start with discovering your skin type. It can be an oily, dry, or combination type. Each type needs a special approach. The product is good when it suits you, not because it is fashionable or some blogger recommends it.

It’s important to pay attention to ingredients. You should check the whole list of ingredients and their order. The product should adapt to the needs. The most important are the first 5 ingredients on the list. Always check before applying a product to your skin to avoid an allergy. Watch out if there are any irritations or instant redness.

The importance of skincare is huge. Try to buy paraben-free skin and makeup products, without toxic elements, perfume, and sulfates. Beauty products should be dermatologically tested, natural, preferably organic. Always get an expert’s opinion before buying some of them.

Anyway, it’s a fact that a professional beauty specialist could be the best solution for your skin, hair, and makeup. It will be a thoughtful decision to go to a dermatologist and take preventive measures. She/he will take care of your skin and hair considering all necessary aspects. It can save costs by avoiding experiments with unknown beauty care goods.

And now you have a lot of options when looking for beauty care products or skilled beauty care professionals. SOSbooking is the place to find a skin/hair/makeup professional – tap here to view our verified beauty care professionals.